Authentic Business for Soulpreneurs with George Kao
Business Tao with George Kao
A more authentic strategy for growing your reach via social media ads 🙌🏾

A more authentic strategy for growing your reach via social media ads 🙌🏾

A seven figure marketer recently went bankrupt from running too many ads without nurturing a real audience. The lesson? Ads should serve your audience with value, not just promote. Build trust. Announce new offers gently, not aggressively. This creates real fans who organically lean in over time. Marketing this way gets easier as your people trust you more.


  • 0:00 A seven-figure marketer's bankruptcy serves as a cautionary tale about relying solely on ads for business growth.

  • 01:06 Ads should be part of your business strategy even if you're just starting out; you don't need to spend much initially.

  • 01:33 The primary purpose of ads should be to nurture a warm audience, not just to promote services or products.

  • 02:26 Serving your audience with valuable, non-selling content can be more fulfilling and leads to a more sustainable business.

  • 03:08 The key to a successful and fulfilling business is building a true fan base that cares about not just what you offer but who you are.

  • 04:02 Aggressive marketing strategies, such as bombarding your audience with offers, are not as effective as a more gentle, authentic approach.

  • 05:28 Gentle announcements give your audience the free will to lean in, fostering trust and making marketing easier over time.

  • 06:54 Balancing visibility and authenticity is important; it's okay if not everyone sees your launches.

  • 07:09 Overall, think of marketing as a way to serve and bless people, making occasional gentle announcements about your offerings.

Authentic Business for Soulpreneurs with George Kao
Business Tao with George Kao
George Kao shares a unique message for business: Create without resistance. Connect without guile. Succeed without stress. Find his best articles here: .
Topics include Authentic Marketing, Joyful Productivity, and Healthy Money. New episode every Monday.