Authentic Business for Soulpreneurs with George Kao
Business Tao with George Kao
Aim not for fame, but for deeper service, and greater truth of expression...

Aim not for fame, but for deeper service, and greater truth of expression...

There's an unspoken assumption in marketing:

More followers/fans lead to more clients, more fulfillment, more freedom.

This is like saying more money equals more happiness.

These are seductive ideas. They contain a grain of truth, but they also come with an unexpected price...

Authentic Business for Soulpreneurs with George Kao
Business Tao with George Kao
George Kao shares a unique message for business: Create without resistance. Connect without guile. Succeed without stress. Find his best articles here: .
Topics include Authentic Marketing, Joyful Productivity, and Healthy Money. New episode every Monday.