Content Ideas for Coaches & Facilitators
Coaches often tell me:
“I’m not a consultant or teacher, so I can’t create content.”
The assumption is that because coaches help clients find their own best answers (rather than the coach giving them answers), the coach shouldn’t be teaching or creating content.
This is certainly an example of a limiting belief ;-) and prevents many coaches from expanding their potential in business and creativity.
If you had a larger audience (grown through content sharing), you’d have more choice of which clients you’d like to take on. You could raise your rates if you wished. You could also create a group coaching program if you wanted to.
Providing content publicly and generously is a noble way for your business to stay top-of-mind for your potential clients.
Content is not just for them — it’s for you…
Creating content is not just for growing a business.
Content is an important exercise of personal creativity and authentic expression. Nothing else has helped me find my voice than the practice of creating content consistently.
It’s also helped me increase my expertise in my field, as I’m continuously reflecting on and integrating my client experiences into theories and case studies.
I call it “creativity fitness” — content is your ongoing opportunity to practice becoming more articulate and authentically expressive. It helps you become more self-actualized.
More broadly, content creation is also a practice of service to humanity — your content will benefit many more people compared to those who are able to give anything back to you.
“But I don’t teach…”
In your next client session (or group experience that you facilitate), notice the words that come out of your mouth…
Really — try recording yourself and listening back.
Much of what you say to your clients can actually be turned into content…
For example, you ask meaningful questions.
Each of those questions can become content, whether it’s a short video or a longer blog post, depending on how much you want to explore. Some ideas:
In what situations is that question a powerful one?
If the client is stuck, what further question would you ask to help them?
With this question, what are common answers from clients?
What do you think about those answers?
In what ways might asking the question help your client improve their life?
All of that is content. It could even be expanded into multiple pieces of content!
You have a framework (even if you don’t realize it)
If you specialize in asking powerful questions, consider why you believe in those questions. They must arise from some framework, or philosophy, about why questions are effective for creating positive change for your clients. Create content to explore the context of that question and your interest in it.
Or maybe you facilitate an experience, by guiding your participants with certain words and exercises. Much of that can be turned into content, if you explore the context of your facilitation/exercises, the philosophy surrounding why it’s effective, the tradition of the exercises and how it has evolved, the common myths about it, the common pitfalls, the types of people it helps the most, etc.
And, let’s be honest, you give advice sometimes…
As a coach or facilitator, you’re not “supposed” to give advice.
But honestly, sometimes the client is so stuck — or you see potential in your client that they are blind to — such that what ends up coming out of your mouth can sound like advice, right?
Sometimes your gut says to offer some ideas for your clients, even though you’re not trying to give them the answers.
(In fact I’ve heard from clients that they’re frustrated by some coaches who refuse to offer any guidance or tips at all.)
Due to your life experience and having seen the choices and consequences from many clients’ experiences, the reality is that there are certain pathways you believe are “better” (or more effective) for clients to proceed on.
Well, content creation is where you can let those perspectives come out! Pathways, ideas, frameworks, philosophies, and examples that you really believe are good for people to know.
It’s all content.
Sample Sessions as Content
Here’s another powerful way to create content:
Invite your ideal client (or a friend) to get a coaching session from you for free… in exchange for you recording it.
Did it go really well? Ask them if you can share it… or parts of it that best demonstrate your coaching.
It will give your audience a great example of your energy signature when you serve clients. It might even inspire some people to finally give coaching a try!
If the client is willing to help, but shy about being on camera, you can record just your part of the session. If you’re using Zoom, click “speaker view” and “pin” yourself, before you start recording. Then the resulting video will only show you, not the client.
If they’re not shy, you could even interview them about what it’s like to work with you, and how they are growing from it. Be sure to include a few actionable insights for the viewer, to benefit the viewer whether or not they sign up to work with you.
Share your examples
If you are a coach or facilitate some experience — and previously didn’t think of yourself as a teacher, writer, or content creator — and this article has inspired you, I welcome you to comment below with a link to one of your content pieces.
You’ll be inspiring other readers with your example of how a coach / facilitator can create content!
Coaches — go forth and create lots of content :)
Partly what makes you a good coach is that you are an inspirational influence on people. You inspire people to live and work and love more consciously. I hope you won’t lock that inspiration away only for your clients!
Share your authentic caring and ideas as broadly as possible. The eventual ripple effects are huge… imagine how many lives you can help to uplift, when you create content consistently.
Always remember that content creation is not just to build your audience and business. It’s a precious opportunity to practice your authentic and service-based expression. Don’t let that opportunity go to waste.
The time will pass anyway. Practice creating consistently!
This post was originally published August 2022, updated in June 2024.