“I’m hoping that I can find a way to weave things together in a way that makes sense, resonates with buyers, feels enjoyable, and generates income.” — a client said.

“That’s a lot of pressure on yourself,” I thought.

Who says you need to weave all your interests together in a way that makes sense to anyone else, except for yourself? (You can have the most complicated vision of your work, as long as it makes sense to you.)

What if being financially successful — and happy in your work — doesn’t require the integration of your various interests?

Authentic Business for Soulpreneurs
Business Tao with George Kao
George Kao shares a unique message for business: Create without resistance. Connect without guile. Succeed without stress. Find his best articles here: https://www.GeorgeKao.com .
Topics include Authentic Marketing, Joyful Productivity, and Healthy Money. New episode every Monday.