Do you ever catch yourself thinking:
“I’m not quite ready yet to put my work out there…”
“What if I get clients I can’t help?”
“Maybe there’s another course that will finally give me the tools I need?”
It’s a common trap — the illusion of “arrival” — the idea that there’s an endpoint to learning, a final destination where you’ll possess all the knowledge and skills you need to be finally “ready”…
…but there isn’t.
There will always be more to learn!
Even with a PhD (or several), you’ll encounter new information that feels essential — “I should’ve known this 5 years ago.”
In fact, the more you know, the harder it can be to synthesize everything into a practical framework. Cognitive learning alone can never make you feel “ready.”
There’s a more reliable way — learning through action.
Every professional, at some point, encounters clients they feel under-equipped to help. Even seasoned experts sometimes feel like they don’t have all the answers. All of us simply need to experience more of the real work:
Create content about your learning journey.
Take on that challenging client.
Teach the topic you’ve been studying but not sure you’re yet an “expert” in.
Put yourself out there and you will soon discover that some people truly appreciate what you already know. Not everyone will value your work, but you don’t need everyone.
Focus on those who currently appreciate your insights — they are your ideal clients now.
Early in my coaching career, I met a leader of a large organization who believed that I had some skill and energy that would be helpful to him. I felt intimidated by his vast leadership experience. I didn’t feel “ready”. But he saw value in my beginner’s mindset and youthful energy, to coach him into recovering some of that. What seemed so natural for me, so imperfect, was actually valuable to someone else.
I believe the same is true for you. The people who could most use your help right now need you exactly the way you are.
So, stop asking yourself whether you’re ready! Instead, ask whether you see people struggling with something you already know or do well.
In what areas are you more skillful than the average person? Use this as a starting point.
You don’t have to be fully integrated with that knowledge, to be able to coach or to teach. The topic can still be a work in progress for you personally. What matters is that you’re more aware of the nuances and challenges than most, and you have some strategies for navigating them.
Here’s what’s interesting — it’s better for the client that you haven’t fully moved beyond the issue.
Why? Because the more you can viscerally relate to them, the more they will feel seen and heard. Feeling understood makes them more open to your support!
Have you heard of the expert’s curse? They’ve gotten so far beyond their original state of mind, that it’s hard for them to put themselves in the client’s experience.
So while you are still struggling with the very issues you want to help people with, it’s important for you to journal about it. Write and talk about:
What it’s like to have those struggles
The various angles of it and situations where it comes into play
Your reflections on it
The insights or tools that help you, as you work on yourself.
It is a precious time now, because you will eventually move beyond these issues and forget what it felt like! Trust me, you will forget. So write (or record) copiously now!
Share your reflections as a public journaling exercise. Your writing/speaking will connect with others who are dealing with those same issues — these are your kindred spirits, maybe your potential clients!
No one else but an experiencer like you can speak about the struggles in such a real way.
Demonstrating that you truly understand what they’re going through, is the foundation to being able to help them. Given that you’re just one or a few steps ahead of them, you can truly hold their hand and help them forward.
Originally written in 2019. Updated in 2024.
My Substack is exactly what you talk about here—a public learning journal of my own IFS work.
As someone who is already doing exactly what you recommend here, I HIGHLY endorse this advice!!
My clients get so, so much benefit out of what I write. Because I’m covering the same territory they are! I may be ahead of them in terms of techniques, but I’m not in terms of the issues. So I show them in a very granular way exactly how to use IFS to work with their parts.
If you love helping people with what you know, then nothing is a better way to transmit your knowing from you to them than doing exactly what George is saying here!
You knocked this out of the park, George!
great message George. In 2019 and now ;)
I often call those ‘public’ Learning journals - seems to take the pressure off if we call it ‘learning’ 🙌